~what christmas is really about~


Posted by rosaya5sgray | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on December 7, 2021

People think that christmas is just about presents or family maybe there right about family but its not just about that, christmas is about Gods savour its his birthday!!


I hate it how people say im going hell lol yeah see you in hell.

hell is bad you get hit and you get eaten by animals but you wont die you never get any sleep.

If you were to put your hand on the stove max for 10 seconds hell’s hotter than that and you have to walk and sit there!!

But if you don’t want to go hell and you dont want to get hit then say god is real if  you do God or Jesus will be happy if you dont obey him then you will go to hell.

Did you know God sacrificed his only son to save us so just have the chance to say Jesus is coming spread the gospel and don’t do it for clout because the people that belive in the gospel truth they actually go to heaven and it dosent matter if you post it on






or any other media’s

Bye Rosaya Gray

have a nice christmas


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