~mY sTory LiFe~


Posted by rosaya5sgray | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on January 28, 2022


On my first day in this school (boughton leigh junior) I was scared and worried i wasn’t good enough,yeah you guessed it i was wrong! Anywho back then i was scared and nervous and had really bad anxiety.Anyway let’s start!


I was getting dressed for my first day my sister’s (Kyra and Tiarna) were already dressed and ready for the day oh and Kyra was in year 6 Tiarna was in year 5 and yes i was in…..year 3. They said “Come on Rosaya, its not that bad”

” I suppose it isnt that bad” yeah i was wrong anyway.

When i got to boughton leigh i was really scared. I was in 3 strong,I sat down and claimed my seat everyone was looking and when i mean everyone I MEAN EVERY ONE!

I just looked at everyone to some looked familer…I just decided to ignore it so i did. At break time I looked at everyone getting along as my heart drifted away someone came up to me

“Hi Rosaya!” How did they know my name as my head was runniong with sweat i looked up..It was Lily if you dont know Lily she’s in 5 Mozart,she’s really kind! Anyway, I said hi back just kidding i didnt i mumbled it..she was with Sandra and Olivia…..NOT OLIVIA! She was so popular i got really scared then i saw KAROLINA! I ran to her for her to save me i couldnt tell how fast i was running i just ran as fast as my little legs could run.I looked ridiculous! i wanted to die at that moment!

As soon as i got to her the bell rang..i was in a tea pose position…Everyone looked at me and laughed well not everyone but some people did.After break,I came in, I sat next to Billy and Vadims,they were both so annoying,within a week Vadims everyday was saying “dO yOu PlAy RoBlOx” IT WAS SO ANNOYING! So one day i just had enough so. My blood fessels were fuming so I said this “YES,WHAT DO YOU WANT” and guess what he said guess I SAID GUESS yes your right he said

“ok chill out,can i get your user name” I said whatever its __________ he said ok i will friend you mine is ________  I said ok! Thats when it started. So like a month later i was already friends with 3 people (Karolina,Sophie and Vadims)

Then..my heart started to pound everytime I saw Sophie i didnt tell my mum i told my middle sister (Tiarna) she said oh nice! you like girls! I said oh- Then my sister told me to confess so i did by writing three poems and one said will you be my girlfriend on the back i gave them to her at home time and ran as fast as i could! The next day,she banged on the desk so i said are you ok she said yes and i was like ok then she said oh and yes i was confused at first but then she said the poem and i was so happy and were still dating till this day she is soo cute and adorable i love her so much! And thats my story hope you enjoyed! BYee hope you support its ok if you dont idrc but ok oh you can visit me and Sophie if your inspired about are story were in 5 spielburg Sophie lawson and Rosaya Gray thats are names BYE!
































MY favorite thing(s)


Posted by swallis | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on October 19, 2021

1 I like going on bike rides because its fun and when I’m bored I always go on bikes rides .

2 I like going to parks with my friends or by my self when I am sad because it makes me happy.

3 I like helping around my house so I can get extra time playing or going out.

4 I like school because I do fun stuff there and I really like maths.

5 My friends are Ruby, Isaac, Reuben

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