Posted by silverchariot890 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on December 7, 2021


Animal Crossing[a] is a social simulation video game series developed and published by Nintendo. The series was conceptualized and created by Katsuya Eguchi and Hisashi Nogami.[1][2][3][4][5] In Animal Crossing, the player character is a human who lives in a village inhabited by various anthropomorphic animals and can do various activities like fishing, bug catching, and fossil hunting. The series is notable for its open-ended gameplay and use of the video game console‘s internal clock and calendar to simulate real passage of time.

Since its initial release in 2001, five Animal Crossing games have been released worldwide, one each for the Nintendo 64/iQue Player (enhanced and reissued for the GameCube), Nintendo DSWiiNintendo 3DS and Nintendo Switch.[6] The series has been both critically and commercially successful and has sold over 60 million units worldwide. Four spin-off games have also been released: Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer for Nintendo 3DSAnimal Crossing: Amiibo Festival for Wii UAnimal Crossing: Pocket Camp for mobile devices and Animal Crossing: Happy Home Paradise for the Nintendo Switch.

“Animal Crossing” is all about socializing. Players can forge friendships with the villagers who come to live on their island. In fact, this is encouraged as players are rewarded for becoming best friends with their villagers. The game is also enriched by visiting the islands of your real-life friends.

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