COP26, the impact on our planet.


Posted by gglennie2 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on November 2, 2021

What is COP26

COP stands for Conference Of the parties and will be attended by world leaders to discuss the impact of climate change and other impacts on our planet. The 2021 meeting will be the 26th meeting, that is why its called COP26. The purpose of this meeting is to put the Earth on a path to slow global warming, cut greenhouse gases and to help save it! Some of the countries attend on Sunday 31st October : Argentina, Australia, Canada, Colombia, Democratic republic of Congo and EU representatives France,  Ghana, India, Israel, Italy, Nigeria, Scotland, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland and the US. Most of us hope that everyone will agree on saving our planet and have a fight! This year the pandemic has started to get out of hand and most of us will be more that happy if there is some good news about our planet and how leaders and representatives have agreed on it.

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