Bonfire Night


Posted by tmaharjan | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on November 2, 2021

Bonfire night is celebrated on the 5th of November in favor of Guy Fawkes, one of the plotters of the Gunpowder Plot, trying to bomb The Houses of Parliament. However, the Gunpowder Plot was found out and foiled.

This is why every 5th November we celebrate Bonfire Night. After sundown, people light a large bonfire and light up fireworks to represent the loud noise and fire the Gunpowder Plot would have made. This event was made official by the government in 1606, a year after the plot failed.

The plot was created because the Catholics were not treated fairly by the current leading king (King James I). Many were burnt to death just by practising their religion. The people behind the plot were all Catholic, and were tortured in the Tower of London.





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