If the answer is ………………….. What is the question?


Posted by pnealon | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on October 19, 2021

Today we were given a lot of words that were an answers to a question that we made the answers are in GOLD


Rabbit: What gives you good luck what you have brutally murdered the furry creature and stole it’s foot?  (Hint, it’s not Mr G)

Allergic:  What are BLJS teachers allergic to? ( Hint, it is not children)

A gerbil: What does Mr Asher feest on at night? (Hint not her class)

Hair : what does Mr G/ Chimpanzee man have all over him? (Hint not sun cream)

Cheese: What does Harley smell and look like? (Hint, not rotten eggs)

Whining: What is Mr G’s hobby?

A bin lid and a bycle: What did Mr G use to make his first computer?

Nathaneil: Who is a big as humpty dumpty as greedy as Mr Greedy and has bad hair that looks like Michael Jacksons plastic surgery?

Mine: Where did Mr G live fo sixty years? ( Half his life)


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