If the answer is… the question is…


Posted by tmaharjan | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on October 19, 2021


We were given a random word and supposed to make a question based off the word.

The answer is: Rabbit

The question is:

What gave society rabies?
What is a popular pet?

The answer is: Washing

The question is:

What is considered a ritual to soft toys?

The answer is: A gerbil

The question is:

What is vermin but no one considers it?

The answer is: Hair

The question is:

What drives girls absolutely bonkers?

The answer is: Cheese

The question is:

What is blue, squishy but hard, smelly and the moon is made out of?

The answer is: Whining

The question is:

What is annoying and loud?

The answer is: A bin lid and a bicycle

The question is:

What is my most creative armour?

The answer is:  A party

The question is:

What do I organise and made out of?

the answer is: Mine

The question is:

What is mine?

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