The thing I love most in my life!


Posted by gglennie1 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on October 12, 2021


 I love my family and friends! Although my mum has been struggling to cope with losing her mum (my Nan), I still love her and everyone else. I feel safe with them and they get me lots of present, but that’s not the point!

Why do I love them? Well, I love them because they are themselves! But one of the best things is that they spend time with me. If they all disappeared, I’d be a total wreck and cry my eyes out!

I’m a little older now so i’m starting to help around the house. A shout out to Mum, Dad , Owen , Auntie Tracey and Denise and Nan and Grandad. Oh and don’t forget my family in Pakistan! 

I hope you enjoyed reading my blog!




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